Monday, April 21, 2014

Write Like Nobody Is Reading

Hi friends,

I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here and still plugging away. Speaking of plugging, I just started recapping Orphan Black, one of my favorite current TV shows, for Tuesday Night Movies. You can find my first recap here. After a brief hiatus next week (I'll be on vacation), I should be recapping them on a weekly basis.

Also, I've made a vow to stop neglecting my blog. My biggest problem over the past year or so has been trying to figure out what to write about. But I think I'm going to take that "dance like nobody is watching" adage for a spin and write like nobody is reading. By which I mean, I'll write whatever I want and stop feeling so anxious about it (not that I'm not grateful for anybody who is deigning to read this, because I am. And, hi!) So stay tuned here for stuff about movies, books, television, and general geekery that I am currently obsessing over.


  1. Love that "write like no-one is reading" adage. You'll go places you've never dreamed of because the pressure will be off.

    My DD loves Orphan Black so I'll point her toward your blog. I'm more of a Once Upon A Time girl, myself, but I'll join you for all your geekery. ;-)
