Update: The YAmazing Race is now over. Thanks so much to everyone who played! Prizes for the big race and for my own blog contest will be announced in the next day.
Welcome once again to the YAmazing Race with MGnificent prizes (or, if this is your first race, just a regular ol' welcome): a blog hop with 50+ debut authors involving a ton of prizes like books, swag, and more.
How does it work, you might ask? Well, first, make sure you've gone here to the Apocalypsies blog for the complete rules. From there, you're going to be led to a series of our blogs where you'll learn a little bit about each of our books. File away the book info in your head because you will then use it to take a short quiz. There will be four quizzes in all. You can do one, you can do them all. Naturally, I recommend being thorough (because you will have a much better chance of winning awesome prizes and 100% chance of learning about awesome books.)
Got that?
So, without further ado, here's a little bit about my book:
The Mapmaker and the Ghost by Sarvenaz Tash

Got it? Ready to find out about the next awesome Apocalypsie book? Click here to go to Jenny Torres Sanchez's blog.
Also...since it's Halloween and I wrote a ghost story AND my birthday is this week, I'm giving away a signed hardcover of The Mapmaker and the Ghost and some swag right here on this blog! Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below -- you'll see there are extra ways to get entries by leaving a comment (about your Halloween costume this year), following me on Twitter, liking me on Facebook, following my blog or adding my book to your Goodreads shelf. My contest will be open until Tuesday, October 30th at 11:59 PM EST.
Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway