Monday, March 14, 2011

Strike a Pose, There's Nothing to It

Madonna--I'm pretty sure you're not used to hearing this but I have to say--I think you're wrong.

I spent part of my weekend getting professional author photos taken. I spent the other part of my weekend stressing out about it.

I have never been an in-front-of-the camera-girl. (I dare you, for instance, to try and find any photos of me between the ages of twelve and seventeen.) For a short while, I thought I might be a behind-the-camera girl before quickly realizing I was actually a behind-the-laptop, pajama-pants-wearing, hair-up-in-a-ponytail girl. Even though that's what I look like 90% of the time (well, minus the pajama pants when I'm at my day job), I didn't think that's exactly the "pro" look I should be going for.

So I enlisted the help of one of my good friends, who happens to have spent years as a successful model. She gave me some fun hints about posing for photos, like the fact that I wanted to convey certain emotions: openness, allure, intrigue were ones that came to her mind. I then explained that I was aiming much lower than that: namely, that I would take any look that couldn't be described as tired.

The photo shoot itself was far less painful than I thought it would be. Mostly cause my friend was there to help me with make up and to distract me, my boyfriend put The Beatles' White Album on, and the photographer ended up being really cool.

But never again will I scorn shows like America's Next Top Model. Being in front of a camera and striking a socially acceptable pose (i.e. one where I don't look like a scary carved wooden doll) is a lot harder than it looks.

It was a fun experience but I am oh-so-happy to be back behind my laptop. Hair in ponytail, probably making weird faces that no lens is around to capture for all posterity.


  1. Sarvenaz,

    A scary carved wooden doll! LOL. That cracks me up!

    I have to do this at some point (should probably stop putting it off), but I haven't because I HATE taking pictures. Always looks like something is wrong with me, or like I'm winking at the camera...which I'm not.


    What if by SOME miracle, they come out acceptable. And then people see me in real life and think...ugh, she so does not look like her picture. THE PRESSURE!

    I hate pictures.


  2. I'm sure we are all SO much more self-critical of our pictures than anyone else will ever be.

    That being said, I feel exactly the same way.

  3. As an owner of *many* photos of you between the ages of 12 and 17 I have to beg to differ. I think you are quite photogenic naturally. But maybe the whole "I have to pose for this defining photo" thing throws in some added pressure.

  4. That is very sweet of you to say, Miss Sharon. I can't say I necessarily agree, but I appreciate the sentiment nonetheless. You're right--the defining pose thing makes it the oddest.

    In other news, I pray none of those many photos shall ever see the light of the Internet. :-)

  5. I would also like to state that I too have some photos of us in our um...formative years (15-18) that will never see the light of day on the internet but I will keep forever. Because they are awesome.

  6. And that right there is a snapshot (Ha! See what I did there?) of why we will be friends forever.
