Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Confessions of a New Book Mommy

I was working from home yesterday when the mailman came and basically rendered me useless for the rest of the day (luckily, it was in the late afternoon).

Because...he brought with him an actual, genuine, hardcover copy of my final book.

I knocked on it and everything. Yup, it's real.

Immediately, like the overprotective mother I am, I made it make friends.

True that it's cavorting with those above its station, but I figure it could pick up a few pointers.

Then I took some pictures of it naked and posted it on Facebook.

Then I took pictures of it from every other conceivable angle.

Sneak peek at the inside map!

And, finally, I shoved it in other people's faces and asked, "Isn't it pretty?!"

I think I'm going to like this book mommy thing.


  1. Huzzah!!! I can't wait to get my very own copy!

  2. Beautiful! Love the map, and the faces on the spine. So happy for you - congrats!

  3. Like. Like. Like. Congratulations!

  4. So exciting!! I can't wait to see your book baby out in the wild!!
