Monday, February 14, 2011

Dedicated and Acknowledged

On Friday, my editor asked me if I have a book dedication or acknowledgments and, if so, to send them over to her. Yesterday, I did.

I'm going to share a secret with you: I wrote a draft of this book's dedication and acknowledgments over two years ago. Mainly because I was procrastinating and thought it'd be fun to pretend that what I was working on was actually getting published. In other words, I was daydreaming.

I know I've said this before, but it really is very strange to be an adult who literally feels like she's having a dream come true. Of course, I mean strange in the Tim Burton-sense of wonderful and odd all at the same time. Emphasis on wonderful.

I really have no idea what will happen when this book comes out. Maybe it'll be out-of-print within a year and that'll be the beginning and end of my publishing career. But the thing is, once it's out, I will forever be a published author and no one - most especially not my mopey, self-deprecating doppelganger - can take that away from me. Now, isn't that something?

Which, of course, means I have many things and many people to be grateful for. I only wish my dedication/acknowledgments could truly do them all justice.

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